Sunday, February 2, 2020

About Us

Carly Dohner

Carly has found a lot of inspiration in the music she listens to. She grew up listening to a lot of classic rock, and she now enjoys listening to alternative rock, pop and country. Music has always been a big part of her life and has helped shape her beliefs and attitudes towards different topics.

Helen Freitas

Helen was raised in Boston amongst a family of Brazilian musicians, and grew up with a love of singing and performing. She found inspiration in a variety of music, including traditional samba music as well as American rock, hip-hop, jazz and pop. Today, her taste in music has only expanded and she listens to a variety of American, Latin and Brazilian artists and genres. Music is one of the most important aspects of her life.

Jaz Jordan

Jaz has a deep love for listening to, playing, and writing music. She has experience with a wide range of instruments from piano to cello and has since developed a strong affinity for classical music. She is interesting in the meaning behind music and loves to analyzed structure, lyricism, and musical trends. She finds music to be a universal language.


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